April 6, 2016

Beauty on the Go: Hygiene

Depending on where you go, your hygiene needs and routine could vary. Typically I am somewhere where I have access to shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc. Now those may be excellent quality or terrible quality, but that’s a risk I take. Ha! This post is not only about products I love, but also about some simple tips to help keep feeling fresh.

Tips to Keep Fresh:

Recently I have made the switch from antiperspirant/deodorant to only deodorant. On top of that, I also switched to an all-natural product. I may be paranoid, but I keep seeing how aluminum in deodorants can possibly lead to breast cancer. Breast cancer already runs in my family so I’d like to avoid any outside causes just in case. Anyway, I really like Jason. It feels a little sticky at first, but it works really well! I don’t stink and it doesn’t leave that gross, caked up residue that other sticks do.

Facial wipes work wonders! On my hike to Machu Picchu, I wiped down with those every evening in place of a shower. They were exfoliating wipes from Target and it made me at least feel as though that layer of dust and sweat was off of my body. Plus, they had a fresh scent like baby wipes. Honestly, after 4 days of all hiking and no showers, not much could penetrate through the grime and extinguish the stench.

*Warning- the next two topics are going to get a little personal* 
Ladies, if you are taking a trip where you cannot shower, consider packing those “flushable” (I use quotation marks because my cousin is a plumber and he advises to not flush those) bathroom wipes. I suppose they are merely an adult version of baby wipes, but it’s important to stay clean and fresh there. Do NOT use baby powder down there- that has been linked recently to ovarian cancer.

Also, consider buying dri-fit full-bottom (aka granny-panties) undies. I have some Under Armour ones and ExOfficios. I love both. Actually, I have two types of Under Armour. The first leaves no panty lines (truly!) and the others are so light and breathable. Love! ExOfficio are so incredibly comfortable and don’t ride up your butt. You can get them low rise and lacy so you still feel pretty! If you prefer something slinkier, please don’t sleep in them. Plus, with dri-fits they are easy to wash and dry so fast, you don’t need to pack as many pairs!

Looking Polished:

As far as hair goes, clean hair for me makes me feel 100x cleaner all over. Fortunately I can get away with dry shampoo. I have light hair and it can get pretty oily. Dry shampoo is hard to pull off; most of the time I opt for a hair tie and/or a hat. I do love Paul Mitchell’s Super SkinnySerum. I have color in my hair and this product helps it look silky rather than dried out and frizzy. Also along with hair, get your routine trim, color, treatment before you leave. I did not before three months in Ecuador so you can only imagine how my ends looked by the end. Blech!

Depending on how long your trip is, go ahead and get all those little beauty routines out of the way. Eyebrows, nails, waxing, bleaching- whatever it is you do to feel the best version of you. By the time my family and I got to Germany after Russia we were all in desperate need of some nail clippers. We had to buy some but it was really a pain in the booty for the five of us. Now I’m sure to always trim my nails before I leave for a few reasons. One, I don’t want the extra weight and I never know if they are ok for a carry-on. Two, having shorter nails helps when you take those impromptu hikes- less dirt under your fingernails, less chance of hang nails, and can help keep your feet comfortable in your boots.

Extra Tips:

Wear. Sunscreen. Just like the song from the ‘90s.
Take your make-up off at night
Pack clothing that’s easy to wash & quick to dry
Consider packing your own lightweight towel
Pack flip-flops if your trip involves using public showers
Hand sanitizer is a good item to have with you

Do you have any other suggestions or tips? Let me know in a comment below!

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